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Category Archives: city inspections

Keeping Your City Prepared: Orlando Emergency Management Awarded Grant

Following the devastating effects of hurricane Irma, Orlando's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has received a $7,000 grant. OEM was awarded the grant by the FY2017 Citizen Corps and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program. The grant money will be used towards Orlando CERT teams preparedness exercises and training, which helps keep local communities prepared to…
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Going Digital With the RIGHT Company

Cities have been implementing digital systems for a few years now And if you keep up with our blog, you know that 2017 is a major year for many cities and municipalities going digital. Choosing to embrace technology and make processes easier for city employees and citizens alike is a step in the right direction,…
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Cities Continue to Switch From Paper Processes to Digital Systems

Cities across the nation continue the rapid incline of switching from paper processes to online permitting systems. Two weeks ago we blogged about Vancouver, WA switching over - and it's easy to see why cities across the U.S. are ditching out-of-date paper processes for software like CityForce. In May, Westerly, Connecticut went digital for reasons…
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2017 Best & Worst Run Cities In America

WalletHub has released the 2017 list of Best & Worst Run Cities in America As city managers, our readers know that managing a city is no small task. Along with ensuring a safe, healthy city, city management is faced with balancing what the locals need with a limited budget. See the top 10 best run…
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Avoiding Hot Water: IMPACT Ensures Certified Building Inspectors

"Hardworking and super helpful." Those are two traits that many bosses seek out when hiring building inspectors. That's what a supervisor of Salem, Massachusetts said in regards to their inspector, Mike Lutrzykowski. The problem is - "hardworking" and "super helpful" don't mean anything if the building inspector isn't even certified. Lutrzykowski hasn't been certified since 2013, but…
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5 Ways to Run Inspections More Efficiently

You play a major role in how efficiently your city runs. With your tools and expertise, the citizens of your community feel safe, healthy and secure. Your city is devoted to protecting neighborhoods, ensuring safety and guaranteeing integrity of the buildings put up around town. We know you have a LOT of daily responsibilities, like…
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