Happy Halloween! The CityForce team wants to wish you and your city a safe, fun and fantastic Halloween night! With thousands of kids trick or treating and adults passing out candy or attending Halloween parties, there's a lot of safety risks lurking in the shadows. Check out our list of last minute Halloween tips +…
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Smarter, Cleaner, More Efficient: Solar Panels + CityForce
Let's talk light Solar light, that is. Solar lights are part of the general #SmartCity initiative that is reducing high energy costs and helping to eliminate the consequences that come from using so much electricity. It's the cleanest, most renewable energy source on earth - so considering installing solar panels isn't a hard decision. Check…
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Stepping Up Sustainability
The temperatures are dropping, leaves are changing and winter is coming But we're still making efforts to go green! The future of your city depends on reducing carbon footprints and living sustainability to ensure that resources aren't depleted. In addition to being crucial, green infrastructures add value to cities and reduce construction costs. Read on…
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Chicago Continues to Progress: New Riverfront District
Many cities can look to Chicago for urban innovation & inspiration The art, shopping and increasingly large number of young professional residents are just a few reasons the city continues to grow. The City of Chicago currently held a meeting to discuss their plans of building a new riverfront development on W. Chicago Avenue. Riverside Investment & Development…
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Cyber Safety: Keeping Your City’s Systems Secure
City managers know the value of cybersecurity. ICMA suggests having an awareness plan to ensure optimum safety and be ready to act on any threats or attacks. Browse our list of tips to ensure that your systems are running securely and invulnerably: Trustworthy Systems Only work with databases that you trust, like CityForce. CityForce is…
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Benefits of Working With Mobile Devices
Imagine coming to work 10 years ago attached to your cell phone Can you imagine your boss' reaction? You'd probably be called into their office or warned a few times before finally getting the boot! The notion of constantly being connected to mobile devices is still relatively new, but everyone from elementary school children to…
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The Efficient City Manager’s 2017 Bucket List
2018 is just 3 months away Did that scare you? Just trying to get our readers in the Halloween spirit! The year is flying by, and for many city managers, that means the clock is ticking on conferences, projects and deadlines. It's a busy time of the year (when is it not?) but there's always…
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World Economic Forum: Urban Innovations
The World Economic Forum published the "Top 10 Urban Innovations" that details the most sought after aspects of smart cities [caption id="attachment_615" align="aligncenter" width="274"] NY Mag[/caption] City managers are always looking for ways to enhance and advance their cities. Along with implementing a user-friendly, all-in-one software suite like CityForce, these are the most important resolutions…
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A Bright Future: Smart Cities, Smart Lighting
Smart city prospects shine on - Los Angeles, California is taking a step in the direction of smart city innovation by implementing "smart outdoor lighting." The smart lights look like any average street light, but the technology they harbor have huge advantages. Street lights, public parking garages, walking/bike paths and even WiFi platforms are control…
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